You will join an active and engaged community of researchers whose expertise includes public sector management, housing and health policy, community and civil society service delivery, and crisis and disaster planning. We undertake rigorous research, and we are committed to translating that research into social, cultural and economic enhancements. We undertake a range of cross-disciplinary projects with internal and external partners. We have recently undertaken investigations on football and social inclusion; apprenticeship schemes in the North West; and local housing and homelessness initiatives (in collaboration with our Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU)).
This course is research based. You will independently conduct research into your own topic or a topic that we advertise. Your supervisory team will offer expert guidance throughout your studies and review work in progress. Each year, you will follow a programme of training and development to enhance your research methods, subject-matter expertise and professional skills.
Researching Public Services gives you a vital understanding of recent social, political and economic initiatives. A research degree in this area allows existing practitioners in the field to deepen their understanding and enhance their own professional practice. It will also equip you with a range of higher-level research and analytical skills that are valued highly in academia and in local, national and international political, social and economic organisations.