The Professional Certificate in French for Teaching as Post-Primary Level aims to provide domestic and international candidates with an opportunity to complete the subject-specific credits they require in order to be able to submit themselves for accreditation through the Teaching Council of Ireland. It is particularly suitable for holders of a BA and HDip/PME who already teach in the post-primary system and want to add French as an additional subject to their skillset; it will also be of interest to international candidates (including native speakers of French), who have completed their teacher education, have had it approved by the Teaching Council, but require up to 20 ECTS credits in French to register as teachers of the language.
This programme has been specifically tailored to meeting the Teaching Council of Ireland’s requirements for registration as an accredited French teacher at post-primary level. The programme follows a three-pronged approach by offering intensive studies in the areas of French language skills; literary, cultural and film studies of the French-speaking world; and French linguistics and language pedagogy. In this way, it aims to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of important concepts in French language and literature, culture and society, including their didactic and methodological application.
Career Options
The Professional Certificate in French for Teaching at Post-Primary Level is intended for candidates who already possess at least 40 ECTS of subject-specific credits in French and a Professional Masters of Education (PME) or equivalent – or those who intend on pursuing a PME upon completion of this Professional Certificate – with the end goal of becoming fully accredited post-primary teachers of French in Ireland.